Grandma's slide show

Captain Destructo

Captain Destructo
I am making LO of all the nicknames I gave my grandkids when they were little

Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet
My darling Little Miss Muffet with her big blue eyes and curley hair

Light Finger Louie

Light Finger Louie
I think that pretty much says it all. This little munchkin is into everything. I have never seen a little child get into so many things in my life as he can

Tan Man

Tan Man
My very first DGS and right from the start he has been Tan Man His little brother and sister call him Man Man now

Honey Bunny

Honey Bunny
My first little grandaughter Karlee taken in 1998


This is my Tank and the name fits him to a T. if you want to know why I call him tank...Just try picking him up


My Sweet Peaches


Kolter had so many nicknames. He still does and they are all so cute

Little Boy

Little Boy
Malenky Malcheek is Russian for "Little Boy" I called Dallin that for months when he was little. I would stand at the bottom of the stairs and call up to him "Night night Malenky Malcheek." He would call back night night and we would go on for several minutes till I finally walked out of his hearing. He can still remember us doing that

Well we couldn't save hello ::SOB:: so I will upload my kit to Mediafire and post the link here so if you want it you can snag ok here is the link

Saturday, November 3, 2007


You have heard the saying "When you are up to your neck in alligators it is hard to remember your job was to drain the pond." Sometimes it is possible to find yourself up to your neck in alligators and not know HOW to drain the pond. Some people open their front door and go "here alligators, here alligators, (kissing sound designed to coax any alligator in the neighborhood to come and live at your house) You need to find a sure fire way of saying NO and meaning it??????? or a sure proof way of ridding your house and life of alligators. If you don't you will spend all your day chasing them around and at the end of the day I wonder what you have actually accomplished... Make this a goal for the coming year......Find a way to keep your door closed when a pack of alligators are roaming the neighborhood

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