Grandma's slide show

Captain Destructo

Captain Destructo
I am making LO of all the nicknames I gave my grandkids when they were little

Little Miss Muffet

Little Miss Muffet
My darling Little Miss Muffet with her big blue eyes and curley hair

Light Finger Louie

Light Finger Louie
I think that pretty much says it all. This little munchkin is into everything. I have never seen a little child get into so many things in my life as he can

Tan Man

Tan Man
My very first DGS and right from the start he has been Tan Man His little brother and sister call him Man Man now

Honey Bunny

Honey Bunny
My first little grandaughter Karlee taken in 1998


This is my Tank and the name fits him to a T. if you want to know why I call him tank...Just try picking him up


My Sweet Peaches


Kolter had so many nicknames. He still does and they are all so cute

Little Boy

Little Boy
Malenky Malcheek is Russian for "Little Boy" I called Dallin that for months when he was little. I would stand at the bottom of the stairs and call up to him "Night night Malenky Malcheek." He would call back night night and we would go on for several minutes till I finally walked out of his hearing. He can still remember us doing that

Well we couldn't save hello ::SOB:: so I will upload my kit to Mediafire and post the link here so if you want it you can snag ok here is the link

Friday, April 10, 2009

Oh My gosh it has been so long since I blogged I have almost forgotten how to do it. I need to come at least once a week to update my blog I must do better

Monday, April 28, 2008

Hiding head in shame

It has been so long since I posted here I have almost forgoten how to do it. I must do a better job. I got a new digital frame for Christmas and have had more fun creating LO to go in the frame I am doing a series on all the nicknames I have my grandkids when they were little

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


You have heard the expression proud as a peacock.... Well just remember that wherever that peacock goes and for the rest of his life he must drag that tail with him. He must worry about sharp rocks. Dirty roads, gates that close too fast. I can’t even imagine how much energy it takes to drag that tail with you the rest of your life. Pride is like that. No matter where you go or what you do or where you are, you will always have to drag your pride with you. You have got to be on your guard lest somebody step on your tail (pride) or heaven forbid point out to you that one of your feathers is missing. YOU JUST DON"T NEED THAT. The very worst thing about having a beautiful tail made of feathers finally somebody is going to figure that out. Your tail is made from nothing BUT feathers and God gave them to everybody. Many people have outstanding talents and abilities which is a good thing and if they use them to benefit the lives of others a wonderful thing. The problem come in when people start to look at their accomplishments and decide that they need to show them off. Then they will develop peacockitis and from that point on in their lives a great deal of energy and time is spent keeping their tail beautiful and perfect. Remember a peacocks tail is like pride.....just excess baggage, it is flashy and beautiful but will consume a great deal of your life trying to maintain it

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


If you want to get all your ducks in a row make sure that you own the ducks first.. If somebody asks you do something and it is going to require the input of other people or requires them to do their part first be prepared to fail.. It is hard not to want to help people or situations but often you can’t fulfill your end of the bargan unless you have all the information or resources needed to accomplish the task. When somebody asks you to do something that is going to require one or several people to do their part so you can fill your responsibility you should say..I would be glad to, please let me know when you have all the information or whatever that I need so I can complete the assignment. Rule A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Remember that stray ducks have no one to manage them so they can turn into alligators and you know the rest. I have learned this lesson the hard way when I depended on somebody in the chain to get their job done. They failed to do so which left me out on a lake trying frantically to collect ducks

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Flying Monkeys

I used to tell my kids the story about flying monkeys but in reality the problem always ended up being mine. When we are born we have no monkeys on our backs. Every want and need is taken care of all we have to do is cry and suddenly we are fed, warm, and tucked into bed. After a while our mothers decided that we should carry some of the responsibility for our lives and they gradually start shifting the monkey onto our back and now we are responsible for getting dressed feeding ourselves etc. As time goes by we end up with more and more monkeys on our back and God in his wise plan arranged for our backs to grow accordingly to accommodate all the monkeys we end with. If we are wise and manage our monkeys properly each monkey will have its own little space and there will be little squabbling and disputations. HERE is the problem. If someone (aka children, spouses, co workers etc.) don't take care of their monkeys why those little devils will just jump on your back and now you find yourself trying to take care of not only your own monkeys but the interlopers that aren't yours to begin with. These new monkeys don't know the order of things and so start biting and demanding that their needs get met also. There is only so much you can do to keep your monkeys happy and when it reaches the breaking point. All the monkeys on your back are fighting, biting, demanding you attend to their needs first. AT that moment most of us start screaming and grabbing the monkeys off our backs and start throwing them at the person who was supposed to take care of them in the first place. AND THAT IS WHEN, IF YOU AREN'T CAREFUL YOU WILL GET HIT WITH A FLYING MONKEY. I would point out to my kids that if they would make their bed, finish their chores that those monkeys would be happy to live on the backs of the person who owned them and NOT come and live on my back. That would keep everybody happy, me, my monkeys, my kids and family and nobody need fear the dreaded attack of the flying monkeys